1. Choose your category for submission

    • Personal Essay- 600 words or less. Must be original, unplagiarized, and address the topic of ‘inner struggles’ or ‘resources for happiness’

    • Short Story- 1000 words or less. Must be original, unplagiarized, and address the topic of ‘inner struggles’ or ‘resources for happiness’

    • Comic/ Anime/ Webtoon- 10 panels or less. Must be original work addressing the theme of ‘inner struggles’ or ‘resources for happiness’

    • Poetry- 30 lines or less. Must be original, unplagiarized, and address the topic of ‘inner struggles’ or ‘resources for happiness’

    • Illustration- One illustration (can include a storyboard with multiple images). Must be original, unplagiarized, and address the topic of ‘inner struggles’ or ‘resources for happiness’

    • Photography- No more than 10 photos in a series. Must be original and address the topic of ‘inner struggles’ or ‘resources for happiness’

Keep in mind your audience. You are creating this for fellow students and families, so no excessive violence or content that is not appropriate for fellow students.

  1. Select from one of the following topics:

    • “Nightmares No One Sees” focuses on inner struggles. Create prose, poetry, or artistic piece that demonstrates nightmares teens face that no one sees.

    • “Day Dreams Everyone Deserves” focuses on places, people, things, or thoughts that bring happiness. Many people work through stress, anxiety, or depression at different moments in their lives. Create prose, poetry, or artistic piece that demonstrates simple people, places, things, or ideas that bring happiness and inner peace.

  1. Submissions Due Friday, October 29 by submitting to Epicbox@crossroadsyfs.com Please include in the email the following information:

    • Name

    • Grade

    • Name for display in publications and social media

    • Email

    • Parent/ Guardian’s email for permission to send prizes

  1. Students must provide unpublished, original work for this contest.

  1. Winners are notified the first week in November.

  1. All participants receive a Crossroads’ EPIC Relaxation Box filled with resources and tools to help students work through stress, anxiety, or depression. Winners receive a specially curated box that includes gift cards and other resources in addition to the other Stress-less Resources.

The goal of this contest is to help others know that we all have things that worry us or make us anxious, but there are resources available to help us work through these difficult times.